Pit Area

Below you will find all the information you need, to become a Member of VicMow, how to build a mower, what's expected of you as a Member and racer, what to do if you have a grievance and your rights as a member. Along with information on how the club is governed, how rules are made and guidelines on how changes can be made.

Please note, the Constitution of the Victorian Mower Racing Association, is a legally binding document specifically written for VicMow, it has been submitted and accepted by Consumer Affairs Victoria to govern the running of VicMow ONLY and takes the place of the Model Rules of an Association.
It can not be used or adopted by any other clubs or associations.

Links to other clubs

Queensland Ride on Mower Racing

ShowMow Racing (N.S.W.)

South Australia


Boddington Mower Racing Association (WA)

These links are provided as a convenience and for information purposes only. They do not constitute an endorsement or an affiliation with VICMOW and therefore VICMOW accepts no responsibilty for any views, information or content published on third party websites.